
Github Pages - Data Structures 1

Project maintained by AkhilNandhakumar Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Home/Current Proj. TPT Notes Data Struc. Work Create Task AP Prep and Plan Past Projects

Akhil Nandhakumar - README/Tickets:

Table of Contents:

Documentation of Individual Achievements

During this trimester, I grew a lot in CSP. I learned about logins and authorization, CRUD, Databases, linking puthong to jinji2 in the backend, and connecting it all with Javascript and HTML on the front end. My greatest success this trimester was implementing the Calendar linked to the Database and login. The user is forced to login with the admin account to be able to create, read, update, and delete events on the calendar. The python and jinja checks which month is selected, and updated the events on the specific days so that each month can have unique events, using the same div elements. I also contributed with creating a custom css style sheet for out github pages so that the theme’s were the same, and switching back and forth was seemless. I think that I utilized my time well this trimester and was able to accomplish a lot of our sponsor’s (Mr. M) desires.

Self Score: 32/25

What I learned:

Personal accomplishments Tangibles:

Current Project Overview and Plans:

The website focuses on providing students with helpful and educational resources to further their education. This includes several classes, including CSP. Our plan is to keep adding on to the tutoring features and services present in “Backpack Pro”. Alongside this we also plan on incorporating some ideas or features requested by our Project Owner, such as platform-wide SCSS for platforms such as GitHub wikis and the Nighthawk Coder Society website. This would allow future students to access and read TPT and TT information without having to jump across multiple platforms, which would make the learning experience easier and more seamless We are also thinking about adding or creating a study calendar / organizer for CSP students, which would allow to plan our their week or studying so that they don’t procrastinate or forget to do anything.

Week 5 Review Ticket

AP Testing - Graded by Brian T.

Score: 5/5

Comments From Grader:

Week 4 Review Ticket

Week 3 Review Ticket

Total Checks: 9.75/10 by Tanay Rayavarapu

Quality of Work/Organization

Coding Review/Requirments

Week 2 Review Ticket

Total Score: 6/5 (Graded by: Tanay Rayavarapu.)




Week 1 Review Ticket

Total Score: 4.9/5

Grader: (Brian Tang) - (Comments + Scoring Below)

GitHub page that documents key learnings and code snippets using GitHub and replit. InfoDB lists

Individual Score: 2.73/3


All work other has been completed and code runs properly. One suggestion is to add more categories of information for infoDB. Currently, the only category for each person is cars. More categories for each person can be added such as favorite food or favorite color.


Tangible Plans:


Week 0 Review Ticket

Score from Grader (Ritvik): 3/3

