Access Modifiers: Public, Private, Protected

  • Public: can be accessed from anywhere inside the program, that is, they can be accessed within the same class as well as from outside the different classes
  • Private: they can be accessed only within the same class where they have been declared, they will not be visible to the outside world
  • Protected: used to access the methods or data members of a class within the same package as well as outside the package but only through inheritance
    • more visibility than private, less than public
public class Cow {

    // instance variables
    private String cowType;
    private String sound;
    protected int numMilkings;

    public Cow (String cowType, String sound){
        this.numMilkings = 0;
        this.cowType = cowType;
        this.sound = sound;

    public int getNumMilkings(){
        return numMilkings;

    public void setSound(String sound){
        this.sound = sound;

    public String toString(){
        return "Type of Cow: " + cowType + "; " + "Sound: " + sound + "; " + "Number of Milkings: " + numMilkings;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Cow firstCow = new Cow("holstein", "moo");
        System.out.println("Number of Milkings: " + firstCow.getNumMilkings());
        System.out.println("Mutated Cow:" + firstCow);



  • Method to create hierarchy between classes by inheriting from other classes
  • parent and child classes
  • extends extend a class to show its inherited and extends functionality
  • Subclass inherits all methods and fields from superclass, and constructor can be carried out from subclass
  • super refers to superclass or parent objects
// Hacks 1
private class Plane {
    private String model = "Boeing 737";
    private int age = 3; //two attributes

    public void getAge(String model, int age) {
        println("Age: " + age);

private class Jet extends Plane {
    private String color = "blue";

Overload & Override

  • Overload happens when there are two methods with same name but different arguments or parameters
  • Method override happens when child class has the same method that is present in a parent class, overwrites base class method
//hack 2
public class Plane {
    private String model = "Boeing 737";
    private int age = 3;

    public void engineBurr() {

private class Jettison extends Plane {
    public Jettison(String model, int age, String color) {
        super(model, age); 
        this.color = color; 

        public void engineBurr() {



  • Ability of class to provide different implementations of methods, such as overloading, overriding, late binding
//Hack 3
private class Jets extends Plane {
    public void getAge(String model, int age, String color) {
        println("Age: " + age);

    public void getAge(int age, String color) {
        println("Age: " + age);