// imports allow you to use code already written by others.  It is good to explore and learn libraries.  The names around the dots often give you a hint to the originator of the code.
import java.util.Scanner; //library for user input
import java.lang.Math; //library for random numbers

public class Menu {
    // Instance Variables
    public final String DEFAULT = "\u001B[0m";  // Default Terminal Color
    public final String[][] COLORS = { // 2D Array of ANSI Terminal Colors
        {"Red", "\u001B[31m"}, 
        {"Green", "\u001B[32m"}, 
        {"Yellow", "\u001B[33m"}, 
        {"Blue", "\u001B[34m"}, 
        {"Purple", "\u001B[35m"}, 
        {"Cyan", "\u001B[36m"}, 
        {"White", "\u001B[37m"}, 
    // 2D column location for data
    public final int NAME = 0;
    public final int ANSI = 1;  // ANSI is the "standard" for terminal codes

    // Constructor on this Object takes control of menu events and actions
    public Menu() {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);  // using Java Scanner Object
        this.print();  // print Menu
        boolean quit = false;
        while (!quit) {
            try {  // scan for Input
                int choice = sc.nextInt();  // using method from Java Scanner Object
                System.out.print("" + choice + ": ");
                quit = this.action(choice);  // take action
            } catch (Exception e) {
                sc.nextLine(); // error: clear buffer
                System.out.println(e + ": Not a number, try again.");

    // Print the menu options to Terminal
    private void print() {
        //System.out.println commands below is used to present a Menu to the user. 
        System.out.println("Choose from these choices");
        System.out.println("1 - Hello World");
        System.out.println("2 - My GPA Calculator ");
        System.out.println("0 - Quit");

    private void calculator() {
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);   
        String letterGrades = "";
        double weight;
        double sum = 0.00;
        int num = 1;
        double classes = 0;
        System.out.print("Number of classes you are taking this trimester: \n");
        classes = input.nextInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) {
            Scanner input2 = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.print("What is your Grade in Period " + num + "? ---> ");
            letterGrades = input2.nextLine();
            System.out.print(letterGrades + "\n");
            if (letterGrades.equals("A")){
            weight = 4.00; 
            sum += weight;
        } else if (letterGrades.equals("B")){
            weight = 3.00;
            sum += weight;
        } else if (letterGrades.equals("C")){
            weight = 2.00;
            sum += weight;
        } else if (letterGrades.equals("D")){
            weight = 1.00;
            sum += weight;
        } else if (letterGrades.equals("F")){
            weight = 0.00;
            sum += weight;

        num = num + 1;
        double GPA = sum / classes;
        System.out.println("Your Un-weighted GPA is:" + GPA);

    // Private method to perform action and return true if action is to quit/exit
    private boolean action(int selection) {
        boolean quit = false;

        switch (selection) {  // Switch or Switch/Case is Control Flow statement and is used to evaluate the user selection
            case 0:  
                System.out.print("Goodbye, World!\n");
                quit = true;
            case 1:
                System.out.print("Hello, World!\n");
            case 2:
                //Prints error message from console
                System.out.print("Unexpected choice, try again.");
        System.out.println(DEFAULT);  // make sure to reset color and provide new line
        return quit;

    // Static driver/tester method
    static public void main(String[] args)  {  
        new Menu(); // starting Menu object


Choose from these choices

1 - Hello World
2 - My GPA Calculator 
0 - Quit

2: Number of classes you are taking this trimester: 
What is your Grade in Period 1? ---> A
What is your Grade in Period 2? ---> B
What is your Grade in Period 3? ---> B
What is your Grade in Period 4? ---> A
What is your Grade in Period 5? ---> C
Your Un-weighted GPA is:3.2

0: Goodbye, World!