
Question 4

  • I chose D, because I misread newStr as being assigned oldStr.substring(1, 3) + oldStr.substring(3).
  • It should have been C because oldStr.substring(4) returns the substring of oldStr starting at index 4 and going to the end of oldStr, or "EF", which results in a final string of having BCEF

Question 47

  • I made a silly mistake and added up all of the array elements without remembering to double the first item in each row, correct answer would be 26, not 21


I understand all of the concepts for each question, and feel good about taking the MC portion of the AP exam. I only missed 2 questions due to silly mistakes or just going too fast. Similar to the first mc we did, I did much better on 2D array questions. I want to work on working faster and more accurately since I split this up into a few sessions. Within the given time limit on the AP Exam, I should be able to finish on time, but it is a bit close, which is why I want to work on being a bit more efficient when answering the problems.