
Question 13

  • I was confused on this question, and did not realize that the value of (x || y) could be true if x is false and y is true, but since the value of (x || y) && x would evaluate to false in this case, the statement are not equivalent to (x||y)&&x
  • It should be "x", since (x || y) && x evaluates to x, since it is independent of y

Question 30

  • The correct answer was E, which was 4, I made a silly mistake and didn't write down the iterations of the loop. It should have inserted 3 correctly but failed to insert 4.

Question 36

  • Common sense error, I geniunely thought that a rock could move even though it was an inanimate object, out of the 3 other object, which were animals or people :(


I understand all of the concepts for each question, and feel good about taking the MC portion of the AP exam. I only missed 3 questions due to silly mistakes or just going too fast. I also think I should spend a bit more time practicing 2D array questions, since they take me the most time to figure out, and I feel like I might be wasting too much time on those questions. Within the given time limit on the AP Exam, I should be able to finish on time, but it is a bit close, which is why I want to work on being a bit more efficient when answering the problems about 2D arrays, and figuring out which code segments evaluate to the same as the original provided.